4 Steps To Overcome Your Writer’s Block

“You write your first draft with your heart and then you rewrite it with your head – William Forrester (Finding Forrester).”

Creative Constipation.

See, even something as dreadful as writer’s or artist’s block can be made into something fun. I guess I prefer “Creative Constipation” over writer’s block, artist’s block and whatnot. Creative Constipation sounds more creative.

In this particular post, I’ll focus on how I overcame my writer’s block. I’ll write a follow-up to this one showcasing the steps I took to overcome my artist’s block. This is not a flow chart, it’s not a step-by-step guide. Play with the order as you like. Another point, I extensively use these particular four steps when I’m stuck with an idea and they always work for me.

Before we start, let’s get one thing clear, writing is a difficult job and an even difficult art to master. If you do not respect the words, they end up coming back, with full blown karma, to bite you in the ass. Or what we officially call writer’s block.

Step One – The Identity Crisis.

A room full of emptiness, lost in pages. Does that sounds familiar?

So often we end up getting lost and confused by one simple question. What should we write?

My answer, “Write what you know and if you don’t want to, atleast take inspiration from it. Not all of us live in middle earth or NYC or have access to a time machine. None of that means our life is a bad one.” Write how you perceive things. I, as a reader, want to know how you think, what your views are. There are hundred variations of this particular advice but they all convey one message, “Write from your heart.”

Step Two – The Vomiting Conundrum.

“Writing about a writer’s block is better than not writing at all – Charles Bukowski.”

Don’t type, write. I know, I know, “But I type faster, I do not like ink pen, my handwriting is not good,” but I’m asking you to write, not to catwalk on a ramp.

Just write. Shut down your computer. Separate your analogous and digital desk.  Write. Just write. Do not write for it to be eloquent and perfect, write ugly.

You can stare at a blank screen, you cannot stare at a blank page, if nothing you’ll doodle and that can be creative too. Whatever the case, using the old method of writing keeps your creative juices flowing. Use index cards, Post-it notes, whatever works for you.

Step Three – The Mattress Experiment

Write either early in morning, or late in night. First identify whether you’re a morning person or night person. Pieces I’ve been most satisfied with are the ones I wrote around 12:30 or 1:00 in the night. Your right brain (Your inner critic) is groggy at that time. Words flow more smoothly. Whatever time you choose, make it a routine, take notes whenever you want but write on that particular time.

For me only one of it works. You can try experimenting with both but I’ll advice that you do not write both early in the morning and late at night. Do not force yourself into something you’ll end up hating. See what works for you.

Step Four – The Zazzy Expedition AKA “The Thought Incubation.”

Writer wherever and whenever you want to. Take notes. Free yourself from paragraph and dialogues. Doodle down ideas (that’s one of the best way).

Read before you begin writing. Read quotes and use them to start your writing (I do this a lot, almost all my written work contains a quote at the top).

But write. Just write. Generate momentum. You overcome writer’s block by writing. Do not pretend as you have to write beautiful woven words, a perfect jewel everyone will appreciate, show that piece of paper your ugliest side, the one you always ignore. Good writing is not about finding the right word. You need to make others feel the emotion. And emotions are ugly (Atleast in their most stripped form).


As an after-thought, do not make writing more difficult than it already is. Writing is fun, do not constrain it with perfectionism. And if nothing works, just talk to yourself (I know, people will call you crazy), and write that.

Believe it or not, that’s the best thing you’ll ever do.

48 thoughts on “4 Steps To Overcome Your Writer’s Block

      1. I’ve never like writing with ink. It’s too permanent, and I make mistakes, a lot. Mechanical pencil because I have to have a sharp point and sharpening pencils wastes time. I had one mechanical pencils for years. My friends named it the ‘Weapon.’

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I still despise writing with ink…my handwriting looks…sloppy with ink. But I am definitely going to purchase some spiral bound notebooks and a mechanical pencil very soon. I had to move and lost a few things…I still have no idea where my sanity is.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. One more thing which works for me, and it has taken quite some time and effort to develop that habit, is to write while I travel. The train that I take to my workplace is a 25 minute ride, so I give myself a deadline to finish a thought, usually 500-600 words in that time period. Tons of things to write in a train, people, sounds, scenery, you name it. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Well, my usual method, it’s pretty detailed, is to ignore it and walk away. Take a break, play some guitar, listen to music, read a book, research a topic, go for a drive…usually, one of those will spark some creativity. Re-read favorite novels, check out new-to-you blogs, visit a bookstore.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, as I said, what works for me might not work for others. But the point of step 3 was to find what routine or stimulus works for you. Stimulus as in late night or early morning, you can replace it with photo prompts but the point remains the same, find a stimulus.


      1. My brain works best at night…insomnia u know. I always studied at night.
        But for creative writing routine doesnt happen for me.
        Its a helpful post though for people who tend to face this often. The only time i felt wordless i read my favourite poem and posted it. Its very simple and conveys the messege perfectly.

        The blockage was unclogged.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I dont face creative constipation. 1 time it happened and theres a small simple poem that helps me everytime i have selfdoubts. I will share the link.

        Generally i write alot. I have small sticky notes. Notebook loose small notes pencils pens everywhere. In each one of my bag my bedside. Kitchen. Literally everywhere. So i dont lose ideas.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I especially like point number two about the way that writing on paper can be more inspiring than writing on a computer. I sometimes think more of my favourite texts are the classics written on paper. Has technology changed the way books are written, maybe for the worse? It’s certainly worth experimenting with cutting yourself off from the digital in my view- also, less temptation to get lost in google…

    Liked by 1 person

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