The Art of Blaming

Today wasn’t a good day. Lately it seems as if none of them really are. I can be blamed for half of those idiocies but still. Fuck. Even Slipknot isn’t working today.

I do not wish to write because I know that if I get in rhythm, it’ll get ugly. We, as socially conscious species, have this tendency to ensure our well being. Whether that haven comes at the cost of someone else’s innocence isn’t relevant. I suffered a monetary loss today. The cause behind it might not be relevant or it could be. We will figure it out in a while.

The topic at hand, if there is one, is about the art of blaming. Hmm, interesting. I just figured out that somewhere inbetween I’m going to blurb about religion. I remembered a little rant about religion that was written long back. By me. For me.

The line I recalled was something like this, “We need a god because we are too pathetic to take the responsibilities for our shortcomings.” I’m feeling bothered because I was cheated today. By whom isn’t relevant. The point is that somewhere inbetween the point became that it was equally my fault. Perfect reasoning, atleast it seems on the surface. After all, there is always a yin for a yang.

Now my fault was that I trusted in basic human decency. Well, OK, I figured it out. My part of the fault.

Maybe I shouldn’t try to adjust the level of my cynicism. My misanthropic tendencies have never failed me. I should let them keep doing the same without any interuption from my side. Fuck, how much I wish to be a percussionist right now. I would have beaten the shit out of that drum.

Damn. Slipknot worked. A little self note, “Metal always works.”

Via Daily Prompt: Surreal

26 thoughts on “The Art of Blaming

  1. Sorry you were cheated. I felt similar recently. My cat is cooler than most people anyway. At least that’s what he tells me. Now I must go get lost on YouTube listening to Slipknot since they’ve been named!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I wish I came from a place with as a cool a sounding name! By the way, I read your post where you say you hate exclamation points, you’re gonna love hearing from me! 😂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Well, yeah! What’s the point in that? I like to be silly, not mean. Life is full enough of the serious and the miserable. See ya on the slipknot side! 😉

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